
Самый современный завод по производству лесозаготовительных машин в мире

Производственная площадка Ponsse Plc расплагается в деревушке Виеремя, в Северном Саво (Финляндия). В самом центре завода по-прежнему находится помещение 300 кв. метров, которое в 1970 году муниципалитет построил для Эйнари Видгрена — предпринимателя и разработчика техники для лесозаготовки. С тех самых пор эта площадка является не только местом рождения компании, но и средоточием духа Ponsse.

Осенью 2018 года компания Ponsse ввела в эксплуатацию новые производственные помещения общей площадью в 1,3 гектара. Для проведения работ потребовались крупнейшие инвестиции в истории компании, но зато расширенный завод стал более производительным, а количество технических сбоев сократилось до минимума. При реализации проекта учли также и пожелания работников по оборудованию рабочих мест — они стали гораздо более удобными и безопасными.

На сегодняшний день завод занимает общую площадь в четыре гектара.

Важнейшая задача, ради которой и строился новый завод – бескомпромиссное качество производства

В новых технологических процессах максимально пристальное внимание уделено тестированию и контролю за качеством выпускаемой продукции. Перед отправкой на сборочную линию каждая деталь тщательно проверяется, а перед окончательной сборкой такие элементы техники как двигатель и гидравлическая система проходят дополнительную проверку в звукоизоляционном испытательном помещении

Окончательно собранные машины проходят финальное тестирование в реальных условиях эксплуатации – на делянке, куда они доставляются на низкорамных прицепах. Если все испытания пройдены, то машины отправляются заказчику.

Автоматизация процессов на складе ускоряет доставку

Новый логистический центр вмещает в себя 3900 паллетомест и 15 500 складских ячеек для небольших предметов и компонентов.  Это очень серьезный объем. В то же самое время логистика запчастей – один из важнейших бизнес-процессов на производственном предприятии, и он должен быть быстрым и безошибочным. Существовавший ранее процесс отправки запчастей был проанализирован и стал полностью автоматическим. Работает он так: деталь забирается со склада и отправляется с помощью управляемой техники по сборочной линии конкретному сотруднику, который упаковывает её и отправляет заказчику.

Новые технологии и энергоэффективность

При строительстве завода были учтены новейшие технологические решения в области строительства, энергоэффективности и защиты окружающей среды. На крыше площадью в 2000 квадратных метров установлена солнечная электростанция с 640 солнечными панелями. Мощность системы —192 кВт/пик, что эквивалентно годовой потребности в электроэнергии для 100 домов. Завод освещается высококачественными светодиодными лампами, а для автоматизации хранения используются рекуперативные тормозные системы. Машины двигаются по сборочной линии от одного этапа к другому благодаря системе тележек, а движение самих тележек контролируется в режиме реального времени.

Даже крыша завода способствует сбережению энергии. Все потому, что кровельное покрытие Noxite, не только защищает элементы здания от прямого солнечного света, ветра и дождя, но и нейтрализует опасные оксиды азота. Это вещество образуется от автомобильных выхлопных газов и некоторых промышленных процессов

Кроме того, Noxite работает как охладитель, что особенно важно летом

Ponsse´s interim report for 1 January — 31 March 2020

JUHO NUMMELA, PRESIDENT AND CEO (21 April, 2020)   Ponsse’s first quarter this year was reasonably good, considering the circumstances. Even so, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic began to be visible in both the demand for forest machines and the availability of components towards the end of the quarter. The weakening of the forest machine market occurred in 2019 and additional shock caused by the pandemic declined demand for forest machinery steeply in several market areas. The company’s order intake contracted towards the end of the period under review and order books fell to EUR 209.2 (367.9) million.   The company reacted rapidly to the situation and the management team started preparing alternative strategies to changing environment. In terms of financing, Ponsse has carried out all measures necessary for ensuring the company’s continuity.   We reacted rapidly to the situation that arose and held cooperation negotiations to adjust the factory’s operations resulting in temporary layoffs for the entire personnel. In practice, our Vieremä factory is operating under single-shift conditions at the moment and the clerical workers are having layoffs during second quarter agreed by function. Our subsidiary network has made their own plans for adjusting their activities.   A number of companies in our supplier network in Europe have had to suspend their operations due to the pandemic. Our operations have been especially affected by the production suspensions in our German suppliers’ subcontractor network in Northern Italy. We expect the factories in question to start up again by the end of April. Even so, the situation continues to be unstable and there are uncertainties concerning the re-start of our supplier network’s factories.   Ponsse’s net sales for the first quarter were EUR 144.5 (143.1) million. We were able to deliver machines to our customers almost normally and our invoicing was on the planned level. Our customers’ work situation varies greatly from one market area to the next. Whereas the mechanical forest industry is facing major challenges in several market areas, the final products for chemical industry seems to enjoy better demand. The net sales of our after sales services declined slightly from the comparison period due to our customers’ weak work situation. At the same time, however, our sales of trade-in machines was delightfully active.   Ponsse’s profit for the quarter amounted to EUR 13.4 (12.9) million. The operating result for the period under review was 9.3 (9.0) per cent. Fluctuations in exchange rates had a strong impact on the result, which was EUR 1.6 million negative despite the good operating profit. The unrealised exchange rate losses resulted from re-valuating balance sheet items and shown in the financial income and expenses, amounting around EUR 9.3 million, weighed heavily on the result. Cash flow for the first quarter was EUR -12.2 (2.6) million. Regardless of the good sales in trade-in machines, our trade-in machine stock was growing. In the challenging operating environment, we are continuing to invest in sales, service and the availability of spare parts as well as in providing our customers with services as efficiently as possible. Our Vieremä factory has operated excellently throughout the period under review and has the readiness to return to two shifts when the situation allows for it. The uncertainty caused by coronavirus pandemic has rapidly changed the operating environment and had an impact on the decline in demand for forest machines.   The most important thing, however, is ensuring the health of our personnel, customers and other stakeholders under all circumstances.



Сообщения с биржи

Сообщения с биржи


Сообщения с биржи Компания Ponsse Plc назначила нового председателя совета директоров. На сегодняшнем организационном собрании совет директоров Ponsse избрал Ярмо Видгрен (44) председателем. Юха Видгрен (49), председатель совета директоров компании с 2010 года, продолжит работу в качестве рядового члена совета. Кроме того, к руководству компании присоединится Марко Маттила.

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Notice of Ponsse’s Annual General Meeting

Сообщения с биржи Ponsse Plc’s (“Ponsse”) shareholders are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 27 May 2020, at 10:00 a.m. EET, in the auditorium of the company’s customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, FI-74200 Vieremä, Finland, using exceptional arrangements due to the coronavirus situation. Reception of those registered for the meeting and the distribution of ballots will begin at 9:30 a.m. EET.

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Сообщения с биржи

Сообщения с биржи


Сообщения с биржи Ponsse Plc’s shareholders are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 1 April 2020, at 11:00 a.m. EET in the auditorium of the company’s customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, FI-74200 Vieremä, Finland. Reception of those registered for the meeting and the distribution of ballots will begin at 10:00 a.m. EET. 

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New managing director for Ponsse AS

Сообщения с биржи The managing director of Ponsse AS, Ponsse’s subsidiary in Norway, is to change. Sigurd Skotte, who has held the position since 2011, will transfer to parent company Ponsse Plc starting from 1 October 2019, where he will work in the development of global sales. Carl-Henrik Hammar, managing director of Ponsse’s subsidiary in Sweden, will be appointed managing director of Ponsse AS. Hammar will also continue as the managing director of Ponsse AB.  

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In the beginning there was a logging site, a frame saw and Einari. Now, Ponsse makes the best forest machines in the world.

Today, Ponsse Plc is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of cut-to-length forest machines. The roots of the family-owned company, grown from a machine entrepreneur’s dream into an international export company, lie deep in the Finnish countryside. The company is still based in Vieremä, in the same location in which it was founded in 1970.

Einari Vidgrén, the son of a small farmer from Northern Savonia, started working at logging sites using a frame saw in 1957, at the age of 14. Einari was carried away by forestry and at the end of the 1960s, he developed a load-carrying forest tractor in a local village workshop. The machine was named after a mixed breed dog that roamed the village. Ponsse’s fur was a mottled grey, and it sure was an ugly dog. However, it was a persistent hunter, and you never had to return empty-handed from a hunting trip with Ponsse. When Einari drove his first self-made forest tractor out of the workshop, the villagers were amazed by the brute of a machine made from recycled parts: “What kind of a ‘Ponsse’ is that going to be?” “Now it even has a name – it’s going to be Ponsse!”  Einari decided.

The hideous machine was at home in hard logging conditions. Inspired by feedback he received from wood procurement company Tehdaspuu, Einari Vidgrén founded a forest machine factory in Vieremä village in 1970. Difficulties and setbacks characterized the early years of the factory – money was not easy to come by. During the first decade, only 50 forest tractors were manufactured at the factory. A giant leap took place in machine development in the 1980s. Ponsse became well-known to both competitors and customers in 1983 when it introduced the legendary PONSSE S15 forwarder. Built partly from aluminium, the machine frame made it significantly lighter than its competitors, putting it in a class of its own for off-road performance. The first harvester, PONSSE HS15, was launched in 1987, followed by the first PONSSE measuring devices in 1988.

In 1994, Ponsse was the first forest machine manufacturer in the world to be awarded the ISO 9001 quality certificate. This led to intensified machine development work and an expansion of the product range. When the export market opened up, the company was listed in the stock exchange in 1995. Today, Ponsse operates in harvesting markets in 40 different countries, and nearly 80 percent of its net sales come from exports.

The Ponsse Group consists of parent company Ponsse Plc and subsidiaries Ponsse AB in Sweden, Ponsse AS in Norway, Ponssé S.A.S. in France, Ponsse UK Ltd. in the UK, Ponsse Machines Ireland Ltd in Ireland, OOO Ponsse in Russia, Ponsse North America Inc. in the USA, Ponsse Latin America Ltda in Brazil, Ponsse China Ltd in China, Ponsse Uruguay S.A. in Uruguay, and Epec Oy in Seinäjoki, Finland.

Growing together with customers

Ponsse is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forest machines, and its customer-oriented operations are still guided by the wishes and needs of forest machine entrepreneurs. The Vieremä factory has expanded from 300 m2 to four hectares, but our mission remains the same – to contribute to our customers’ success with productive and reliable PONSSE forest machines and services.

PONSSE forest machines are based on environmentally friendly cut-to-length (CTL) logging, where trees are felled, delimbed and cut into various log assortments before they leave the forest. Our product range covers all size categories of forest machines, from first thinning and the harvesting of forest energy to heavy-duty regeneration felling, as well as all logging sites, from soft soil to steep slopes. PONSSE products and their key components are designed and manufactured by Ponsse in Vieremä. This guarantees that we remain at the forefront of development and that our products meet the requirements of forest professionals.

A good product range and confidential customer relationships are Ponsse’s foundation stones, together with its strong values, committed personnel, as well as history and traditions. We continue to follow the path cleared by Einari: “We manufacture the best forest machines in the world.”

Asset Publisher


Stock exchange release

Stock exchange release


Stock exchange release Ponsse Plc has appointed a new Chairman of the Board of Directors. At its organising meeting held today, Ponsse’s Board of Directors elected Jarmo Vidgrén (44) as its Chairman. Juha Vidgrén (49), Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors since 2010, will continue as an ordinary member of the Board. At the same time, Marko Mattila will join the company’s Management Team.

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Stock exchange release

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Stock exchange release

Stock exchange release


Notice of Ponsse’s Annual General Meeting

Stock exchange release Ponsse Plc’s (“Ponsse”) shareholders are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 27 May 2020, at 10:00 a.m. EET, in the auditorium of the company’s customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, FI-74200 Vieremä, Finland, using exceptional arrangements due to the coronavirus situation. Reception of those registered for the meeting and the distribution of ballots will begin at 9:30 a.m. EET.

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Stock exchange release

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Stock exchange release

Stock exchange release


Stock exchange release Ponsse Plc’s shareholders are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 1 April 2020, at 11:00 a.m. EET in the auditorium of the company’s customer service centre at Ponssentie 22, FI-74200 Vieremä, Finland. Reception of those registered for the meeting and the distribution of ballots will begin at 10:00 a.m. EET. 

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Stock exchange release

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Stock exchange release

Stock exchange release


New managing director for Ponsse AS

Stock exchange release The managing director of Ponsse AS, Ponsse’s subsidiary in Norway, is to change. Sigurd Skotte, who has held the position since 2011, will transfer to parent company Ponsse Plc starting from 1 October 2019, where he will work in the development of global sales. Carl-Henrik Hammar, managing director of Ponsse’s subsidiary in Sweden, will be appointed managing director of Ponsse AS. Hammar will also continue as the managing director of Ponsse AB.  

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Stock exchange release






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